pre-quarter life crisis bucket list

by - 02:45 as my 25th birthday is approaching, am getting old :"(
I decided to create a young bucket list before it is nearby....


I would love to conduct cars in heels looking all fierce yaaaaaasssss!
Hey hey hey! Its my bucket list, allow. But haven't we all just dreamt of
waving that checkered flag ya the race cars wearing a cool number?
Well if not then I am an exception!
So Spin City please call me up, I will do it in a heart beat ;)


Second on my bucket list....ride a hot air balloon.
This would be so cool with your bae/or my bae or whoevers bae, you get it.
Or with the girls having champers (champagne), sun-setting and toasting to a new age.
So I have a height thing, this will have to be like an hour or less otherwise....lets leave it there


I wanna go to The Social Market PTA.
Have you seeeeeeen the clothes they wear.
I mean the style the people who attend have. 
I don't even know where to start.
Like I cant. The self expression. 
The way they are so free. I love it.
Lemme show you a couple of pics from their FB Page to show you.

Pictures Source:


Zip lining. This would be sooooo cool. 
Young Adrenaline rush just for the fun of it.
So the Ama Zwing Zwing Zip Lines in Hartbeespoort 
are 240m of fun and they are affordable.
I should try them soon soon. 

Picture Source:


Give back to the community. One of the things
I would love to engage more in is giving back.
It just got serious there for a minute. haha!
But yes. I've taken part in events that gave back 
to kids but I'd like to give back when 
its just my choice and am not prompted by 
an event to take action. 
The pleasure in making someone else happy is one 
of those things that you cant even gauge
in the happiness scale. Like it shoots way beyond
the scale.
So even if its giving food to the elderly or clothes to kids,
I would love to get in line with 
such projects.

Picture Source: A smile that melts a heart

Its sad that majority of the things in my list I cant do in my own country.

Some of my handles have changed so, lets connect here:

Instagram: @lizzievuitton
Facebook: @Lizzie Tshandu
Twitter: @being_lizzie

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