Khumo's 25th Soiree

by - 07:08

So last week was the oh so fabulous Khumo Kgwaadiras 25th birthday party 
on the 30th of June. The auspicious occasion was held at Flava Restaurant in 
Molapo Crossing. 

Flava decor is fitting for the kind of food they serve. They serve food 
that is mostly on the African Cuisine side and the decor is absolutely 
fitting even the jazz music that they were playing went very well with 
the vibe, BEAUTIFUL! 
It was a first for me to see a restaurant like this locally. It doesn’t really 
conform to regular standards, it just stands out with its African and 
earthy feel.

Downside though was the service but this couldve been because there 
were a lot of people on our table. And one last downside was the fact 
that they don’t have Wi-Fi, but because they are fairly new, I trust that 
this will improve.

Back to the party right. It was an All Black party of which the lady of the 
moment came dressed to the heavens in White. It wasn’t really surprising 
though, her collaboration with Aobakwe Molosiwa of Gilded Sands is 
incredible. The clothing Aobakwe makes highly compliments Khumos 
body frame, it’s like a Gertz-Bonang collaboration but better. 
She looked divine.

Then the mingling, sometimes when you know 2 people that are going to
be at an event you become sceptical that you wont have anyone else to 
communicate with while the people you know are occupied. Well this 
was not the case. I met some really lovely young ladies.
One of the young ladies I met and instantly clicked with was Reagile of 
ReaOnline. This young lady is one ambitious young lady who chose her 
career path when she was way younger than most people, myself included.
She has an online show which is doing very well, the link to her show is 
Do check it out. 
I also met Sparkle, she is such a pretty being. The worst thing is that we 
have met before but I couldn’t recall which was understandable because 
she was on the field at the Equality Cup playing for the team I also 
represented Charmer Boi. I don’t play ball though, I’ll play ball after I insure 
these legs, child please!
Last and certainly not least I got to interact with Sadi from Flavour Dome and 
Dj Chabo who were a barrel of laughs. 
The conversations we had were also interesting.

All around fun time!

And to Khumo: Honey, keep on slaying! We all know what you 
have established right now is just you starting up you have way 
more to bring! Demolish any and everything in your path til you 
attain them goals!
Love Lizzie Vuitton

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