Johannesburg Excursion

by - 07:24

So a couple of weeks back I stayed in JOhannesburg to further
my studies and during my stay I went to a couple of interesting places
here goes


So when I arrived my girl decided to treat me out
so we painted the town RED at this here place.
The house music they play was really good until
it struck the hour 12 where they played bubble gum
which draws in the crowd. Oh and the cocktails have
an extra kick. It is rather chilled until a certain time and
it has the same people, went there three times to find the
same people.Unfortunately phones got stolen on the night so pics of
the place are lost but here is an image i got from google.


Went to Pata Pata for some girl talk with a friend of mine.
The service wasnt that bad. The vibe was lovely for a Sunday
catch up and perfect enough we went there on a beautiful Sunday
afternoon and it was drizzling, beautiful.The downside was that there
was no WiFi :( gawsh! ok yes it does encourage for people to sit
and converse with each other, but sue me if am wrong, most of the
conversations we come up with are based on most things that we see on the net
plus i want to tag the venue. Social media marketing. Another downside
was that the service took a bit of a long time but to this the brought
me the best Malva pudding and custard i have ever tasted EVER!
It was absolutely divine! Fresh warm and just yumm! Yes I enjoyed
it that much and it was worth the wait. Didnt take pictures here aswell
was caught up talking :(


By far worst service I have ever received was from this here place.
All the other times i've been to this Primi the service was ok, but the
last time i was there the service was so horrible, had to even complain to
the manager. You know that if a darkie calls over the manager then them buttons
have been pushed. After the complaint they did improve not about to go back though.
I didnt even enjoy the food because I was in such a bad mood.


Ah yes, the time i went to this venue all the other places were so full.
Went to Nexdor the food wasn't that bad and the service was substandard.
On a plus, saw Hugh Masekela, which was awesome. For the life of me I
couldn't pull myslef to ask for a picture because i could tell that he was bonding with
his friends so I decided to respect that.


Came here with my girl for an All White party.It is a beautiful location.
The view is amazing as well. Beautiful music. A plus is that since its in the
rooftop there was proper protection from harsh weathers like rain and cold.
Awesome place no complaints.


Had a lovely picnic with someone dear here. It was beautiful. very spacious
well kept, clean. It was serene and rather scenic as they have an artificial
waterfall. Awesome place for the entire fam.


So Six's is a this here liquor restaturant in the heart of Melville. Ended up here
after a very exhausting wedding dress hunt (not for me but for my friend). The food
was well done, the vibe was great and might i add that we were served by a mighty
fine waiter.haha! Anyway Six's has a 7 HOUR happy hour. My insides were screaming with
excitement, I wondered where this place had been all my life liiiiiike! Two drinks
for the price of one.


So we went to Stones after we celebrated Sheillah Molelekwas 22nd birthday at
Adorabelle Hair Salon. It was small and intimate. Then we hit Stones, Stones being Stones
played the most commercial music but it was refreshing still, it was hard not to enjoy myself.


Saw this place whule lost looking for some store.
There are really some good pieces of art, beautiful crafts
at reasonable prices. Go out there and check it out
for yourself.

Ah yes I would love to think I have given South Africa ENOUGH airtime on my blog
need to do restaurant reviews of places here in Gaborone.

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