1st Annual National Conference for Tourism Students and Graduates 2017

by - 03:18

I was highly honored with an invite to the 1st Annual National Conference for Tourism Students and Graduates 2017 on the 1st of December at the University of Botswana. I must say, the speeches from all the speakers were quite powerful and motivational. Some of the speakers in attendance were:

1. Ms Khumo Kgwaadira gave an honest presentation on issues of self. Most of us could relate with the issues that she talked about. Issues of self can be a huge deterrent as it builds self doubt and with it we fail to do our best. She showed us how she struggled with Acne and how she overcame it.

2. Ms Shamil Agosi who is an Entrepreneur and Youth Activist gave a presentation that was eye opening. She gave great emphasis on why youth must be up to date on current situations .Not only that, she touched base on self dependence and how youth should be part and parcel of policy changes. She also highlighted that youth are sitting on great ideas just waiting for an investor and that youth need to learn to want to know more. I was honestly inspired.

3. Ms Oarabile Baisi Founder and Director of Guest Cycle Center advised that youth take advantage of youth programs as lack of knowledge on these lets youth perish. She advised the students to be infopreneurs, that the students need to be the change. She touched on many other issues; flexibility in learning, fear of taking risks, character building, self discipline, being a visionary, firm but friendly leadership. I also learnt from her greatly more so that she shared her humble beginnings. Its always easier to relate to speakers who give their personal experiences.

4. Tshepo Mothibi a Public Relations Officer at Lavendro Group. I must say he brought out statements that brought on meaningful debates that were highly necessary.

5. Mompoloki Makwana gave pillars that he lives by. He preached to the converted, to cite a couple of his pillars
"Put first things first. Know what matters and keep the main thing the main thing!"
"Don't complain or blame! Take Responsibility and Grow"

Other speakers were Nonofo Tsedi, Tebo Mophakedi, Leboko Mokone not forgetting myself. With the panel of presenters, the bar was so high,I learnt a thing or two. 

Some of the students at Anticlo Investments to watch out for are: 

1. Ms. Danica Langeveldt- A young lady interested in all things outdoor. I feel she has great potential and could help harness the tourism industry in the northern regions of Botswana as they need a younger person to give thier approach to pull in a younger crowd towards the area.

2. Ms. Tumo Tselayakgosi- Now this here young lady, wow! She gave a breathtaking poem about Botswana Tourism. She is an immensely talented young lady and is someone to really look out for. Tumo sighted some of the activities that they did while with Anticlo. Some of them being visiting the Womens Prison and donating toiletries.

3.Thabang Keogotsitse - Though this young man is quite reserved, he is really talented. He is an artist and graphic designer of note. If you check out his Facebook page: Dodo's Art you will see how he immortalizes beings. His artwork is exceptionally good. Do check him out!

4. Tshireletso Pearl Leselwa- Who was one of the students at the conference that caught my eye. Tshireletso is currently a Bachelor of Finance student awaiting to do her last semester. So you wonder how a Finance student got to be interested in tourism, well, Tshire has an infinite love for tourism and realized this passion when on a family vacation in 2009. She has since partaken in tourism activities even studying short courses related to tourism. On top of all this she is interested in photography and public speaking. This young lady is coming for our pockets, way to go girl!

For all this I thank Mrs Thelma Eyman for the opportunity and encourage her to keep pushing. Through people like her the Tourism sector will go to greater heights.

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