
by - 12:12

Well i have been on an hiatus, phewww! A lot of things have happened since the last blog. Threw me off balance so much i forgot to blog. Not to worry all good things happened, story for another day though.

Yesss! Your girl went to Australia. First continent i went to outside of Africa. I kept quite about the whole trip so if it flops no one comes at me on some "o ne a ithaya are" tip hahaha! 
There was SO MUCH! I had writers block for some time because i was trying to compose the blog but there were so many pictures and so many things i needed to write.

This was the first day, had to show the Australians African heat

We headed out to Crown Towers Hotel. MY GAWWWWD this hotel was amazing. Its a 6 star hotel by Mariah Carey's ex fiance whatever his name was. Yes we still brought the heat. There were about 6 pools. Clear and clean as the day. SO the darkie here was there with her wig so no swimming for her eish.


Complementary Champers

There was a TV by the bath tub, had me champers while watching the tele. These are my house goals, I swear

Did some horse riding it was fun :)

Went to the Zoo and saw a Kangaroo.I enjoyed petting it, the day before i had Kangaroo meat

All in all I enjoyed Aussie to the max, I wish i put all the pics here but alas this was my experience.
Beautiful as it was, I'd love to explore other areas in the world.



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