
by - 05:12

As humans we go through all sorts of emotions.
Ups and downs are only normal.
Sadness and/or pain is one of the worst emotions to go
through. Where you do not even know how long it will
last and can only hope it doesn't go downhill from
there into a state of depression.

The most painful thing though is hurting and not being able to
express it due to our different situations. If you have to go to work or
school, you gotta pull that g-string up and stop sulking, your emotions
will come afterwards. I imagine the pain mothers go through, after
work you have to put your kids first and put your feelings aside because
they need you.

Your pain threshold and another's are not the same. What upsets me
might not upset you and you may feel am silly to be saddened by such
vice-versa. We are all different. Different reactions to different situations.
We also have different coping mechanisms.

So whats my coping mechanism you ask, I GOOGLE quotes. yes its dorky but it helps!

When in pain I look for as many motivational quotes as I can find.
Though I go through them, there are some that are very misleading let me add.

The other day I read a quote that read "NO SITUATION IS PERMANENT".

Below are a couple of quotes that get me through sad days, I hope they help you
through whatever you are going through. :)

Pain is not an eternal state. It lets you appreciate your happy moments!
Someone loves you! Stay beautiful! xoxo

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